
In this blog you'll be able to find updates on Jeremy's deployment. Addresses,letters written home and anything you'll need to know about his 7 months in Afghanistan. Keep checking back for more :)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Update on Jeremy's party!

Hey guys! Thanks for checking up on Jeremy,he appreciates all your support and love.
With that said let me remind you that we are planning a going away party for Jeremy. We've finally set a date,location and time for the party. I do have invitations but for some of you I know it's also a good thing to have a reminder online. Below will be the date & time for the party,if you're interested in coming,which all of you are very very welcome to come,let me know and I will email you the location.

Date: Friday October 15th
Time: 6pm

To make Jeremy feel more at home,we've asked guests to consider bringing an item to donate to his very first care package.

  • Baby Wipes
  • Beef Jerky/Slim Jims
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Powder Drink Mix (Gatorade,etc.)
  • Bug Spray
  • Ziploc Bags
  • Pens
  • Notepads
  • Toothpaste
  • Batteries (AA,AAA)
  • Playing Cards
  • Chapstick (Carmex is his favorite)
  • Q-Tips
  • Deodorant (Old Spice High Endurance)
  • Kleenex
  • Granola Bars
  • Goldfish
  • Pretzels

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A little bit of Encouragement

This post won't be very long,just long enough to show the most adorable photo Jeremy and I have ever seen. My sister-in-law Molly posted this photo on her facebook for Jeremy. My nephew Brayden is 6 months old and the sweetest baby in the world. Jeremy can't wait to meet him!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Activation Day!

As you all know,a few weeks ago I headed home to NC while Jeremy headed to train in Wyoming for 2 weeks. A little update about his AT (annual training). From his words "Wyoming was very gorgeous but very boring" They had cows just waltzing up to their camp like friends,winds coming from a different direction every day and mosquito bites the size of quarters. All in all though he said it wasn't too terrible. The weeks flew by faster then we expected and he feels more confident in his job,meaning the training actually helped! Something extremely cool that happened though happened in a small town in Nebraska. The town was so small,and apparently nothing ever happened,that when the Marines landed, before taking buses to Wyoming, there was a crowd of people with signs supporting our troops. The people were so excited to see them in their town that they even published their story in the local newspaper. The Marines were escorted by a group of motorcycle riders who are also war veterans. The town was even gracious enough to throw the Marines training in Wyoming a Thank You BBQ before they left. Jeremy loves knowing that there are still people out there supportive,gracious and proud enough to stand behind our Marines and the work that they do. If you want to see the newspaper they were published in,and even read the articles about their training just click here!

On another note,Jeremy finally activated on Monday (August 2nd). So he is now staying at Camp Pendleton Marine Base Monday-Friday while coming home for the weekends! Luckily I am also planning to go every Wednesday afternoon to have dinner with him,if any of you are interested in going with me one evening just let me know and we'll work it out. Monday night I made the 30 minute trip to Camp P with one of our close friends Evan Lackey (also a Marine) to see the boys and have some dinner. When we got there,Sean Koehler and Jeremy showed us their room. We knew Marines were messy but they are also required to clean once a week and before they leave their room for good. Well apparently whoever had their room before them did NOT follow that rule. The room was by far the most disgusting place the could've been placed in. Even the guys thought it was horrid. This room needs some serious help cleaning wise. Thankfully Koehler bought some Clorox wipes and we all pitched in to sanitize anything they may touch,but it is still a nasty nasty mess. Jeremy will be stationed at Camp Pendleton for roughly 3 months before he deploys,putting him shipping out sometime in November. Once we get final dates I will definitely update you all. We are also still planning on having a going away party for Jeremy as the day gets closer,you'll be updated on that as well. I've posted a few pictures of the room along with this post (look at your own risk!) At this point Jeremy is trying to settle back in to active duty life (working every day,PTing,and maintaining Marine standards every second) He's missing his comfy bed but his days aren't as bad as you'd expect! Keep checking back for more updates which there will be!