
In this blog you'll be able to find updates on Jeremy's deployment. Addresses,letters written home and anything you'll need to know about his 7 months in Afghanistan. Keep checking back for more :)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Marines 24th Birthday!

Hello everyone! Today, December 31st,is our dear Jeremy's birthday. The first birthday I knew Jeremy was back in 2007 and he was in Iraq. I remember him telling me about the traditional beatings he got but how all in all "it was as good as it could be". The next year he was home safe and sound. We spent the day at the zoo and I took him out to dinner at Duke's on the Pier in Huntington Beach. Then I brought him to his surprise "1940's Poker Themed" party. He couldn't stop talking about it for the longest time. His friends and family were there to celebrate with him and I even surprised him with inviting his good friend Greg Robinson,who he rarely gets to see. To him,that was the icing on the cake. 2009 was his first birthday as a married man and we spent the day together and loved every minute of it. This year he is deployed to Afghanistan. I mailed him a card and even had a birthday cake shipped out to him. But unfortunately the mail was stopped for a while and just started back up last week,so I have a feeling he didn't get them on time. As a wife,having my husband gone for his birthday is extremely hard. Not just because I want to spend it with him,but because I want to make every birthday as special as I can to make my husband happy. I know he's tough and won't complain about it. I know he'll make the best of it he can. And I know he'll appreciate the cake and card when it does arrive. It just gives me such pride and respect for my husband knowing that he is spending his birthday overseas so he can protect the ones he loves. I obviously hope he has a good birthday. I hope he gets to stay warm and maybe even have a real meal. I hope his fellow Marines don't beat him too much and I hope he thinks about how much we all love him back home.

Keep him in your thoughts and prayers tonight as you're celebrating the New Year with your family/friends. Because of him,and all of our other service men and women,you can celebrate the way you want to.

Happy Birthday Jeremy Ray. We can't wait to have you back celebrating your 25th birthday next year in 2011.

Friday, December 17, 2010

You Know when you're a Marine Wife when...

My amazing sister-in-law (who is not a Marine wife) posted this on my facebook this morning. I thought it was pretty cute that she found it and it's all oh so very true. I love being a Marine wife and I love having all of these things apply to me.

You Know You're A Marine Wife When...

1. You can figure out how to buy groceries for 5 on a budget for 2.
2. You can read your husband's LES better than him.
3. The dispersing clerk knows you by first name.
4. Your children were all born in different hospitals.
5. Your child's first words are commissary, PX, and 7 Day Store.
6. Your children call every Marine "Daddy".
7. Instead of arguing, you ask you spouse when is his next deployment.
‎8. You can pack a seabag with all his belongings better than he does.
9. You can decorate anywhere with anything ... and for cheap!
10. You know that there is a way to be a 1 car family and still keep
your sanity.
11. Your Marine invites the new kid in the shop over for a home cooked
meal with 1 hour's notice
12. You actually impress that new kid in the shop with what you whipped
13. You can tell which squadron has night flight just by the flight
pattern over your house.
14. You know to start packing when he says, " Honey, guess what?"
15. You know the exact amount of postage for the weekly care package
without weighing it.
16. You know to believe he is home when he calls you to tell you where
to pick him up.
‎17. When you married your Marine, your civilian family asked you for a
translation dictionary!
18. You only use pencil in your address book for friends.
19. You sit alone at night wondering how is day is goin in Japan.
20. You heave a sigh for all he is missing.
21. You wipe a tear for the rose he gives you with the note that says,
"For all you do."
22. You stand tall when you hear the Hymn.
23. You cry only once he's back home.
24. At your highschool reunion, you proudly boast you'd never trade
places with anyone.
25. You know that "Semper Fi" has a special meaning for you and your

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A few pictures from Jeremy!

They're not much but at least y'all can see he's doing well and still has a smile on his face! The first one has a story behind it,which you can ask either him or I,but its pretty stinkin hilarious.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Update from our Marine!

It's been a while since I've updated and that's only because well,there's not much to post about! I made the trip home to NC safely,along with one of our cats and our precious puppy. Jeremy is safe and sound in Afghanistan. He has pretty good communications (internet,email and SOME phone time) So if you guys would like to personally send him an email or something of that sort his email is: fmjswitch@hotmail.com
Just remember,make it as long as possible,considering he may not be able to communicate for a while so a "hey,whats up?" will just not do! :)
When we do get the chance to talk he's always telling me that he is "bored,tired,cold and missing home. But other then that pretty well" In my opinion,this is the best news I've heard. Knowing hes safe and not seeing much combat. Selfish I know but hey,what did you expect from his wife? He's honestly hating being away from home right now so please,some words of encouragement his way would be appreciated. He's asked for prayers of peace. He's been having trouble sleeping at night from missing me,worrying about me,etc which is the sweetest thing ever but horrible when he has a job to do. I ask for prayers of comfort and strength. It's starting to get harder and harder as the days go by and I'm leaning on God's helping hand to push me through this. I have felt all of your prayers and love even from far away so thank you very much! Just keep Jeremy in your prayers and thoughts,he feels the stress and pressure more then we do. He can't wait to come home and reunite with all of us and get back to his normal life. But until then he knows he has a job to do and he's trying to stay focused,as am I.

Also,like I said before I DO have his shipping address and he's already received one of my packages so the mail is arriving pretty quickly,which means if you would like to send him a package or even just a letter (which he would enjoy) email me at marinegirl412@gmail.com for his address.

I will be updating soon with more news from Jeremy and myself. Thanks for following!