
In this blog you'll be able to find updates on Jeremy's deployment. Addresses,letters written home and anything you'll need to know about his 7 months in Afghanistan. Keep checking back for more :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Update from our Marine!

It's been a while since I've updated and that's only because well,there's not much to post about! I made the trip home to NC safely,along with one of our cats and our precious puppy. Jeremy is safe and sound in Afghanistan. He has pretty good communications (internet,email and SOME phone time) So if you guys would like to personally send him an email or something of that sort his email is: fmjswitch@hotmail.com
Just remember,make it as long as possible,considering he may not be able to communicate for a while so a "hey,whats up?" will just not do! :)
When we do get the chance to talk he's always telling me that he is "bored,tired,cold and missing home. But other then that pretty well" In my opinion,this is the best news I've heard. Knowing hes safe and not seeing much combat. Selfish I know but hey,what did you expect from his wife? He's honestly hating being away from home right now so please,some words of encouragement his way would be appreciated. He's asked for prayers of peace. He's been having trouble sleeping at night from missing me,worrying about me,etc which is the sweetest thing ever but horrible when he has a job to do. I ask for prayers of comfort and strength. It's starting to get harder and harder as the days go by and I'm leaning on God's helping hand to push me through this. I have felt all of your prayers and love even from far away so thank you very much! Just keep Jeremy in your prayers and thoughts,he feels the stress and pressure more then we do. He can't wait to come home and reunite with all of us and get back to his normal life. But until then he knows he has a job to do and he's trying to stay focused,as am I.

Also,like I said before I DO have his shipping address and he's already received one of my packages so the mail is arriving pretty quickly,which means if you would like to send him a package or even just a letter (which he would enjoy) email me at marinegirl412@gmail.com for his address.

I will be updating soon with more news from Jeremy and myself. Thanks for following!

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