
In this blog you'll be able to find updates on Jeremy's deployment. Addresses,letters written home and anything you'll need to know about his 7 months in Afghanistan. Keep checking back for more :)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Our Marines 24th Birthday!

Hello everyone! Today, December 31st,is our dear Jeremy's birthday. The first birthday I knew Jeremy was back in 2007 and he was in Iraq. I remember him telling me about the traditional beatings he got but how all in all "it was as good as it could be". The next year he was home safe and sound. We spent the day at the zoo and I took him out to dinner at Duke's on the Pier in Huntington Beach. Then I brought him to his surprise "1940's Poker Themed" party. He couldn't stop talking about it for the longest time. His friends and family were there to celebrate with him and I even surprised him with inviting his good friend Greg Robinson,who he rarely gets to see. To him,that was the icing on the cake. 2009 was his first birthday as a married man and we spent the day together and loved every minute of it. This year he is deployed to Afghanistan. I mailed him a card and even had a birthday cake shipped out to him. But unfortunately the mail was stopped for a while and just started back up last week,so I have a feeling he didn't get them on time. As a wife,having my husband gone for his birthday is extremely hard. Not just because I want to spend it with him,but because I want to make every birthday as special as I can to make my husband happy. I know he's tough and won't complain about it. I know he'll make the best of it he can. And I know he'll appreciate the cake and card when it does arrive. It just gives me such pride and respect for my husband knowing that he is spending his birthday overseas so he can protect the ones he loves. I obviously hope he has a good birthday. I hope he gets to stay warm and maybe even have a real meal. I hope his fellow Marines don't beat him too much and I hope he thinks about how much we all love him back home.

Keep him in your thoughts and prayers tonight as you're celebrating the New Year with your family/friends. Because of him,and all of our other service men and women,you can celebrate the way you want to.

Happy Birthday Jeremy Ray. We can't wait to have you back celebrating your 25th birthday next year in 2011.

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